There are several important considerations for the orthodontic diagnosis and treatment of complicated patients who have anatomic limitation such as root resorption, bone loss, extremely thin alveolar bone around the teeth, severely constricted maxilla, unstable mandibular position with TMD, and complex jaw asymmetry. To guarantee the more effective treatment outcomes than conventional methods, treatment mechanics to implement independent target teeth/bone/soft tissue movement using Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices (TSADs) while avoiding extending unnecessary orthodontic appliances to non-target segments during the orthodontic treatment period can be the simple and effective solution for these complicated patients. In this presentation, Dr. Kim will introduce five essential biocreative checklists to simplify the diagnosis. He will also present a simple and innovative way for correcting complicated orthodontic cases only by orthodontic treatment without orthognathic surgery through updated scientific research and excellent case reports. Audience members will learn specific clinical tactics and overall treatment protocols that will broaden their scope of treatment options.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Ourline the tripod principle to make balanced simultaneous contact between the anterior and posterior dentition for targeted tooth movement in complicated orthodontic cases.
Control vertically collapsed occlusion using ready-made reverse curve of spee NiTi wire and TSADs without assistance of anterior fixed appliance and intermaxillary elastics.
Evaluate the difference among three representative miniscrew assisted maxillary expander systems: MSE(tooth bone borne expander), C-Expander(Tissue Bone borne Expander), and True bone borne expander(The ATOZ).