United States
Meet Dr. Anas Athar, a distinguished leader in dental healthcare based in Dallas, TX. With expertise as a dual-trained Orthodontist and Maxillofacial Radiologist, Dr. Athar brings a unique blend of clinical skill and diagnostic precision to his practice. As the Director of Orthodontics at Smile Brands Inc., he spearheads transformative orthodontic care, ensuring patients receive top-notch treatment. Beyond his clinical role, Dr. Athar is the innovative Founder and CEO of Plus Orthodontics, a groundbreaking virtual orthodontic service reshaping the future of orthodontic care delivery. Additionally, he lends his radiology expertise to Beam Readers, providing essential diagnostic services. With a passion for advancing dental technology and patient-centered care, Dr. Athar is paving the way for a brighter, healthier smile for all.
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