Republic of Korea
Dr. Su-Jung Kim is a past Chairperson and a Professor in the Department of Orthodontics at Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea. She completed all her studies at Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, and she joined the Department of Orthodontics at the university. She has also spent time (2012-3) as a visiting scholar of Orthodontics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She was doing a regular weekly seminar in UCLA to teach the orthodontic residents sleep-related orthodontics for a year. Dr. Kim is currently Director of Scientific affairs of Korean Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, Trustee of Director of Korean Society of Digital Orthodontics, and Director of Scientific affairs of Korean Association of Orthodontists. She is a longstanding member of various other professional and scientific organizations and societies, including the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) and the World Sleep Society (WS). She is the major author of 70 SCI(E) articles and has delivered scientific presentations in the big international meetings. She has been involved in the Pediatric Dental Sleep Medicine Mini-residency program hosted by Tufts University and in the Dental Sleep Medicine Mini-residency program by University of the Pacific, as a main speaker of sleep-related orthodontics in 2019. She has been hosting a Kyung Hee International Mini-residency program dealing with all about sleep-related orthodontics since 2018. She achieved renown by publishing a Springer book entitled “Orthodontics and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients” in 2019.
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