Prof. Alberto Caprioglio obtained his DDS in 1988 and in 1993 he got the Specialization in Orthodontics at the University of Pavia. He is Former Chairman of the Orthodontitc section and Director of the Universitary Research Center I.T.E.B. (Innovative Technology and Engineered Biomaterials) at the University of Insubria in Varese. He is Professor and Chairman of the Under and Post Graduate programs in Orthodontics at the University of Milan, Italy. He has published more than 250 articles and he is the author of 8 books. He has lectured internationally and he is member of WFO, EOS and SIDO. He has been the President of the Italian Board of Orthodontics and he is the President of the European Board of Orthodontics. Moreover, he is Active Member of the Angle Society of Europe.
In 2015, he won the “Best Clinical Paper Award“ presented by the European Orthodontic Federation for the highest-rated clinical research article published among the orthodontic journals published in Europe during the 2014. In 2016, he received the Gold Medal in Orthodontics presented by the Croatian Society of Orthodontics for his orthodontic career. In 2017, he received the “B.F. and H.E. Dewel Award” by American Association of Orthodontists for the highest-rated clinical research article published in the AJO-DO during the 2016. In 2018, he won the “Best paper from a foreign University” published in Journal Orofacial Orthopaedics presented by German Orthodontics Society.
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