United States
Ellen Grady has consulted with orthodontic practices in the United States, Canada and Europe for many years. Long ago, after receiving her BA in Speech, and while working on her Master’s Degree in Speech Therapy at the University of California at Northridge, she took a day job in a well-known orthodontic practice to get research data for her thesis. The rest is history; she never finished her post-graduate degree, but has been involved in the wonderful orthodontic profession ever since.
She started her own consulting company in 1982 after working with The Millenium Society for several years. Ellen is well known for her expertise on what it takes to have an exceptional, effective orthodontic practice. Her in-office consulting has assisted doctors and their team in tailoring proven concepts, systems and technology to fit their individual needs. Ellen has also assisted buyers or sellers in various associate, partnership, or sale transactions after years of observing transitions that worked well or that were flawed.
In 1995 Ellen was asked to provide practice management/marketing education to the Advanced Orthodontic Program residents at the University of Southern California (USC). The 12-month course was so successful that in 1997 she was invited to join the dental school as a Clinical Assistant Professor where she continues to teach, and assist the Program Director with the management of the orthodontic clinic.
In addition to her role at USC, Ellen maintains her client consultations, speaks at national and international meetings, and enjoys personal travel around the world.
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