United States
Dr. Sylvan Mintz received BA and DDS from UMBCDS 1967, MS degree in Pediatric Dentistry from BUSGD in 1971 with Certificate in Anesthesia. He was awarded Certificates in TMD and Orofacial Pain from Rutgers 1991. He is one of only a few dentists who is Board certified by both American Board of Orofacial Pain and Dental Sleep Medicine. He's been active staff for 40 years at Children's Hospital in DC and previous chief of dentistry at PG Hospital. Previously, he was clinical instructor at U of MD and Howard Dental Schools. Currently, he codirects programs at Childrens Hospital Sleep Clinic and Dental departments. Serves as a consultant to Walter Reed’s Orofacial Pain and Sleep Medicine departments and UM Dental School Orofacial Pain Clinic. He is a GWU Clinical Assistant Professor in pediatrics. He has published the largest clinical study on managing sleep apnea in adults with oral devices as well as an article on TMD in children. He has begun a pilot study on oral devices for children with OSA at Childrens Hospital.
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