It is believed that apical root resorption has, among other factors, a force-dependent effect. In addition, 3D assessment of volume loss through artificial intelligence (AI) has not been deeply studied. This presentation aims to answer the following questions: Does selective force archwires provoke more resorption during the first phase of orthodontic treatment compared to the Gold standard of reference? Is the volume loss similar along the root? Does AI represent an advance for root resorption diagnosis in orthodontics?
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Show that there is a tendency for a greater external apical root resorption with sectorial individualized force archwires during the alignment and leveling phase.
Demonstrate that volume loss increases as it approaches the root apex.
Propose a volumetric quantification method ad hoc through AI to evaluate and quantify root resorption lesions in our orthodontic patients.