Malpractice claims/lawsuits and regulatory complaints develop from: 1) doctor/staff errors; 2) patient perception of problems related to treatment; 3) patient dissatisfaction. This program addresses common causes of claims and discusses solutions that will minimize or prevent claims. The speakers are experienced at handling, evaluating and resolving malpractice claims against orthodontists for AAOIC.
The program is sponsored by AAOIC and the AAO. AAOIC insureds who attend the entire program will earn 10% professional liability premium discount for two years.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Create thorough, detailed patient records that will document treatment, minimize the filing of claims, and provide effective defense if they are filed.
Prioritize use of effective Informed consent documents, including supplemental forms to maximize protection from lack of informed consent allegations in claims and litigation.
Communicate with patients/parents and other treating medical/dental providers to inform and educate to preclude misunderstandings and develop patient satisfaction.