In his 6+ years of working with one of the best orthodontists he knows who had been running a thriving, busy practice, Dr. DePascale has learned how to navigate the highs and lows of being an associate and a partner, and how to make that relationship amazing. This course will provide you with the guidance, support, and tools to learn how to build an elite (diamond!) level partnership. We will cover dos and don'ts from both sides of the coin. We'll focus on how to work effectively as a junior doctor looking to become a partner with an experienced doctor, and also learn how an experienced doctor can help the associate to partner transition be incredibly successful and mutually beneficial.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Define what it takes to be an effective partner and leader.
Demonstrate how a partnership is like a relationship and must be treated as such.
Understand the bigger picture and how each aspect of an individual practice plays into the partnership role.