In this session, Jeff Behan will help you take the teeth out of some of the toughest moments in your communications with patients and their parents – from the first phone call to the angry parent causing a kerfuffle in the lobby to the negative online review and beyond. You can create rules for team members to follow, but rules are like sticks. You can poke, prod, and hit people over the head with them, but you can't lead people with them. Principles are like rope and you can fit a rope around problems of all shapes and sizes. Making sure every member of the team understands the principle behind the rules will help you succeed in even the most awkward patient communication moments.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Get team members to understand and then buy into the principles that set great businesses apart from the pack.
Diffuse a tense situation without compromising your principles.
Recognize and address the felt needs of patients/parents so you can avoid losing the sale, getting caught up in drama in the office, and finding a negative review online.