This presentation is derived from 30+ years of experiences as an on-the-ground observer of orthodontic practices in North America and the corporate entities that exist today. This lecture will review how the orthodontic specialty has evolved (and continues to transform) in three key areas: business practices, cultural changes in the consumer and inside the walls of the practice, and observations on practitioners’ stress levels. There will be a forward look at how the specialty will continue evolve and what the future holds in these three areas. The lecture will conclude with observations on happiness relating to a person's financial outcomes and decisions.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Understand how key operating and financial metrics have changed over the last 30 years and anticipate continual changes during the next decade, based on predictions.
Recognize the 30+ years of changes in consumer decision making regarding orthodontic care, and what both current and future consumers will be asking in the future when considering treatment.
Understand you are not alone when it comes to the overall stress and pressure required to succeed in small business; gain a personal perspective from research studies and measure happiness.