A repetitive and persuasive message being conveyed to new orthodontists and orthodontic residents is, “the larger your orthodontic practice, the better.” The purveyors of this message are often the same people who benefit the most from you (1) believing it and (2) succumbing to your FOMO. Larger volume practices, particularly those with multiple locations and more staff, can yield more problems, higher stress, and not necessarily more income. Meanwhile, the lower volume, lower overhead orthodontic practice presents the orthodontist with unique opportunities to achieve incredible financial success without the demands associated with a larger office. Unfortunately, because it’s not as glamorous and doesn’t benefit as many others, the low volume practice model receives much less attention. Focusing one’s practice on delivering a unique, personalized experience for a lower volume of patients can yield an ideal balance of professional success while allowing you to live your best life.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
See who benefits (and who doesn't) from you believing that a larger volume orthodontic practice is better.
See that a lower volume, lower overhead orthodontic practice can yield an ideal balance of professional success and life outside the office.
Gain more clarity on the profitability of lower volume orthodontic practices by seeing financial data from actual practices.