The records of a 13-year-old female with horizontally impacted second molars were sent to 12 esteemed orthodontists requesting a plan of treatment. That request elicited seven different treatment plans which included extraction of third molars and orthodontically or surgically up- righting second molars, or extracting the impacted second molars and auto transplanting the third molars, or allowing them to drift mesially. These treatment options will be discussed with information obtained from the literature as to the potential success of each option. Mechanical approaches to uprighting impacted second molars will be illustrated.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Describe the factors associated with treating impacted mandibular second molars.
Determine the need for surgical exposure and extraction of third molars in treating impacted mandibular second molars.
Identify biomechanical approaches to up righting impacted mandibular second molars.