Even the most experienced orthodontists often have doubts about how to treat young patients in the primary or mixed dentition phase. This is because these cases may not be as simple as they seem. It is necessary to know the process of craniofacial growth and development and the process of development of the dentition very well. The speaker has extensive experience with handling these cases. This kind of treatment must encompass a wide variety of approaches, and on many occasions, not intervening is the best solution. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss how to address the main problems that can affect the occlusion of these patients showing ample scientific evidence that justifies the actions.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Recognize those cases of patients during deciduous and mixed dentition phases who deserve an early intervention.
Precociously differentiate cases with a good prognosis from those with a poor outcome, based on facial and cephalometric characteristics and family history.
Identify some possible approaches for interceptive orthodontic treatment.