Bonded retainers remain one of the most important parts of clinical orthodontic care. However, we know that bonded retainers can sometimes be challenging to place, and when they go wrong, they can certainly cause problems for both patients and orthodontists. Exciting new digital technology is providing us with new ways of producing and placing bonded retainers. Don't miss out on this clinically-relevant lecture that explores the newest advances in bonded retainers, and importantly describes the best quality research evidence that investigates what works, and what doesn't.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Recognize some of the problems of bonded retainers that we are trying to overcome.
Gain familiarity with new technologies, including CAD/CAM, that are now being used to produce fixed retainers.
Gain awareness of the best contemporary evidence investigating bonded retainers.