Orthodontic treatment in adult and young adult patients with a skeletal discrepancy can be challenging. In this session, the speaker will present cases with severe Skeletal Malocclusions (Skeletal Class III, Skeletal Open Bite, and Transversal Maxillary Deficiency) all of them treated with Skeletal Anchorage (TADs; Bone Anchorage Maxillary Expander) and with the use of the 3D Technology (DICOM + STL) to be more predictable.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Diagnose a Transverse Skeletal problem with the help of CBCT.
Use 3D technology (DICOM+ STL) to be more predictable when we are going to use skeletal anchorage with braces or aligners.
Design and use a 3D customized bone anchorage maxillary expander in young adults and adults patients.