Introduction of mini-screw anchorage-supported rapid maxillary expansion (MARPE) in clinical practice has helped increase the feasibility of obtaining nonsurgical transverse correction in late adolescents and young adults with the most favorable orthopedic effects. However, the success rate of MARPE shows a negative correlation with age. In addition, there is currently no reliable biologic predictor for successful mid-palatal suture separation in older patients. Given the costs affiliated with MARPE applications and the increased risk for complications, MARPE could present significant challenges for adult patients and their treating doctors in daily practice. This presentation will highlight the newest clinical advances and research findings using case examples to guide the clinician in achieving optimal outcomes while avoiding potential failure with MARPE.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Become familiar with the clinical advances in maxillary skeletal expansion with MARPE using the current evidence.
Identify the biologic and clinical denominators of success with MARPE applications.
Analyze the clinical cases for the feasibility of the MARPE concept to achieve successful results.