Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Remote Monitoring in Orthodontics: Fact vs. Fiction
Sunday, May 5, 2024
9:20 AM – 9:50 AM US CST
Location: ENMCC 343-345 - Level 3
Earn 0.50 CE Hour
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Grants/Research Support: NESO, Harvard School of Dental Medicine Alumni Association, Lebret and Moorrees endowments; Stock Shareholder: Clear Advance LLC
Remote monitoring and other applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of orthodontics have gained popularity over the past few years, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation will go through the literature on AI based remote monitoring of orthodontic treatment which persuaded our team and others to use the technology to monitor patients participating in clinical trials. That experience helped uncover some concerns that prompted a prospective study that focused on: 1) evaluating the repeatability of the Go/No-Go instructions provided by the application to patients and 2) to determine the three dimensional discrepancies that coincide with an aligner “unseat” that triggers the instruction to move on to the following aligner. This presentation will go on to explore other applications of AI in different aspects of orthodontic care and discusses the viability of integrating some of these applications into a private practice setting.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Become familiar with evidence supporting the use of remote monitoring of orthodontic treatment.
Identify some of the limitations of remote monitoring of orthodontic treatment.
Become familiar with some of the applications of AI in orthodontic practice and the viability of integrating them into private practice.