Asymmetric maxillary expansion is one of the unfavorable expansion outcomes that may present with esthetic and functional occlusal compromises and is very difficult to manage orthodontically. According to the literature, this complication may develop with surgical and non-surgical expansion protocols. Evidence on the potential risks for asymmetric expansion is limited. We have yet to answer the questions why it happens and whether it can be prevented. In this presentation, we will review anatomy of asymmetric expansion in multiple cases documented with CBCT imaging. We will discuss when it may happen and how it can be managed once it occurs. We will also review potential techniques how it may be avoided or minimized.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Review the anatomy of asymmetric expansion in 3D with CBCT imaging.
Review orthodontic mechanics in management of the assymentric skeletal outcomes.
Review potential tools to minimize and potentially prevent asymmetric expansion.