The first application of 3D printing in orthodontics for diagnostic purposes was described in the AJODO in 2006 (Faber et al, Rapid prototyping as a tool for diagnosis and treatment planning for maxillary canine impaction). The article was an example of the then new technology that was part of Dr. Faber's private practice since 1999. Twenty-five years later, he has directly participated in the various stages of application of 3D printing in orthodontics, that have the general goal of providing high precision orthodontics to patients. These applications have moved beyond diagnostics and expanded into metal printing of orthodontic appliances and direct aligner printing. This course will give a perspective on the early days of 3D printing in orthodontics, cover current applications of this technology, and point to future implementations.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Recognize the applications of 3D printing in orthodontic diagnosis.
Identify the applications of 3D metal printing to provide high precision orthodontics.
Review the new horizons of 3D printing in orthodontics.