Are you feeling Security Fatigue yet? The latest hacks and security breaches are in the mainstream news constantly now. Add to that, they are now armed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. How is your practice supposed to defend itself when it seems the bad guys are winning the Cyber war? Do you just stick your head in the sand and use the logic that you haven’t been affected yet so you’re fine? Do you get overwhelmed not knowing what to do?
The path forward doesn’t require a degree in advanced Cybersecurity. The journey is accomplished one step at a time. Steve will lay out practical and easy to manage steps that you can implement as soon as you leave the meeting.
He promises to limit the ‘Geek Speak’ and talk about issues in terms we can all understand. Bring your own questions and concerns to share.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Understand that Cybersecurity is no single thing and is rather a collection of defenses and behaviors.
Understand that the most important tool in your Cyber defense is you and your staff’s behavior.
Recognize how modern Artificial Intelligence technology can both help and hurt your practice.