Dentistry is a mix of engineering, ergonomics, art, and acrobatics. Many practitioners have made many updates and adjustments to their practices. Despite those, many professionals have not added improvements to their self-awareness and self-care. As a result, there continues to be a high incidence and prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the dental community. This presentation will provide an overview to the state of dental practice and share several strategies to counteract the trauma of dental practice on the practitioner. Please come, listen and share your story while taking home some invaluable tips for a more efficient, comfortable practice.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Discuss posture, body mechanics, ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders, cumulative trauma, and pain.
Identify optimal, balanced working postures.
Discuss the characteristics of operator/assistance stools, patient chairs, magnification, instrumentation, and optimal function.