Vertical problems in orthodontics can be present in all types of sagittal malocclusions and are related to the amount of overbite, namely open bites and deep bites. These are generally associated to long and short faces, but this relation is not always present and leads to some misunderstanding in the correction of such conditions. Innumerous combinations of skeletal and dental factors are present in vertical problems and should be analyzed individually and together. This will define if the treatment approach should include surgical, orthopedic or orthodontic treatment only, dealing with changes in the anterior or posterior regions of the arches. Changes in the posterior vertical dimension can also be used favourably in sagittal correction with significant facial changes and alteration in the vertical allocation of anterior teeth can have a significant impact in the smile and speech esthetics. Therefore, the purpose of this presentation is to provide, in the light of current evidence, a guideline of diagnostic factors to be approached when treating the vertical dimension.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Establish a checklist of factors to be evaluated for the analysis of the vertical problems.
Define adequate treatment approaches to correct open bites and deep bites.
Understand the impact of changes in occlusal vertical dimension on the sagittal aspect.