The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the roles of upper incisor/gingiva display, upper lip thickness, lower incisors display, and chin projection for an aging or younger smile in Class I, II, and III adult patients. The diagnosis methods for an aging/younger smile, and the orthodontic appliances and mechanics for adjusting incisor/gingiva display, upper lip thickness, lower incisor display, and chin projection for a younger smile also will be presented by cases of Class I, II, and III adult patients with adequate, excessive, or inadequate maxillary vertical dentoalveolar height. An inadequate gingiva/incisor display or a thin upper lip might represent an aging look, especially in Class I or Class III adult patients with maxillary vertical deficiency. A good maxillary dentoalveolar height with adequate gingiva/incisor display might even affect the upper lip thickness. Gummy smile could be a foe in Class II patients with maxillary vertical excess, but it could be a friend of youth in Class III patients with maxillary vertical deficiency.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Evaluate the diagnostic methods and relationship among upper incisor/gingiva display, upper lip thickness, lower incisor display, and chin projection for a younger/aging smile in various malocclusion.
Review the orthodontic appliances and mechanics to decrease upper incisor display/gummy mile and upper lip thickness in Class I or Class II patients with maxillary vertical excess.
Increase upper incisor/gingiva display, upper lip thickness, and decrease lower incisor display and chin projection to give a younger smile and profile in Class I or III patients with maxillary vertical deficiency.