The introduction skeletal anchorage has changed the profession of orthodontics. Tooth movement that were once only possible through orthognathic surgery can now be accomplished with miniscrews and plates. However, limited 3D exists reporting the effect of these dentoalveolar movements on the periodontium and teeth. This lecture will present new and emerging 3D evidence on the impact of moving teeth beyond their cortical boundaries and describe the possible range of dentoalveolar movement. It will discuss and highlight ongoing 3D imaging research to show potential side-effect of large dentoalveolar movements including popular skeletal anchorage treatment protocols correct AP discrepancies. Finally, it will introduce a new orthopedic method for the correction of skeletal Class II malocclusion.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Realize potential periodontal side-effects and root resorption in cases involving large incisor retraction for Class II and Class III correction.
Discuss long-term data on the stability of Class III Bone Anchored treatment.
Review and discuss a new orthopedic method to correct Class II skeletal malocclusion.