Root resorption of adjacent incisors is a well-known complication of impacted canines with incidence ranging from 18,5% - 66,7% for lateral incisors and 5,22-31,03% for central incisors. There are few articles available in the literature evaluating long-term follow-up of resorbed maxillary incisors associated with impacted canines. To our knowledge, there are no studies available in the literature that have CT or CBCT before and after treatment of impacted canines with consensus of how the root resorption will develop over time. In this presentation, a long-term follow-up study will be presented evaluating the long-term radiographical and clinical status of maxillary incisor root resorption caused by ectopic canines.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Realize the survival rate of severe resorbed incisors.
Evaluate whether the root resorbed incisors have deviant clinical findings as pulp vitality, probing depth, crown colour, mobility or ankylosis.
Explore whether the patient have any symptoms from the root resorbed incisors.