Root resorption is sometimes seen after serious traumatic dental injuries such as tooth avulsions and intrusions. While infection-related root resorption today can be prevented or treated, ankylosis is the most serious complication for the tooth resulting in progressive replacement resorption of the root by bone and eventually causing loss of the tooth. Moreover, inhibition of growth and development of the alveolar process is also seen in young growing patients following ankylosis. The lecture will give a complete overview aiming at understanding the development, progression, and management of ankylosis based on in-vivo and clinical studies and an overview of the literature. An overview of various less successful methods to manage ankylosis will be given and the method of choice today, decoronation, will be presented. The recent shift in paradigm from “save the tooth” to “preserve the bone” will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
After this session, attendees will be able to:
Outline how and when ankylosis will develop.
Diagnose and manage situations with ankylosis.
Avoid less successful treatment options and master the first-hand choice today; decoronation in an inter-disciplinary approach.